Mike and Jenny

Mike and Jenny
Mike and Jenny

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How I conquered AS naturally

I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis (Click here) seven years ago.  I went from feeling OK one day to being in the hospital the next.  I could barely walk or turn my head because I was so stiff.  The episode occurred after I went out drinking and consumed 6 beers over a eight hour period.  I tested positive for HLA-B27 and have a fused Sacroiliac joint.  I also had Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS and a history of pretty severe allergies to pollen and molds since I was a child, as well as a history of Colitis in my family.  My father had Colitis in his 40's and had a colostomy to address the internal bleeding.  

For years I was treated with a TNF Blocker to treat the Ankylosing Spondylitis with nominal results.  Unfortunately I suffered from side effects such as Psoriasis, and an increased susceptibility to Staph infections.  Unable to manage the side effects, I decided to see if I could treat the condition naturally.  For over a year, I researched information on the web, saw a knowledgeable Naturopath, and went through a lot of trial and error.   

Starting an Elimination Diet
Based upon some testing from my Naturopath it was determined that I was suffering from Candida overgrowth.  Interestingly, my first flare-up occurred several months after being given antibiotics, which not only kill bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in your gut which can lead to antibiotic resistant strains of bad bacteria overgrowth.  For more information on managing Candida, here's a good website on the topic: Ridding your body of Candida

During the summer of 2010, I went on a strict elimination diet for two months, cutting out all sugars and processed foods.  I took antifungals to kill the Candida as well as vitamin supplements including large doses of Magnesium.  My diet consisted of meat, fish, eggs, nuts, vegetables and water

Over the two month period I lost 20 pounds, my IBS disappeared, I went from a flare up to having zero pain and for the first time I could lay flat on the floor and my head touched the ground.  Note my neck is not fused.  This was the first time in seven years that I was able to do this.  And this was without doing any stretches!!

Good and bad bacteria
I found a good article detailing the link between Klebsiella bacteria and AS.  It was identified that the Klebsiella bacteria mimics the HLA B27 gene and can lead to an autoimmune response where the body attacks the HLA B27 molecule thinking that it is a foreign body.  I suspect that the cause of my AS was the Klebsiella bacteria verses Candida fungus but have no way of knowing for sure as the elimination diet had the effect of killing both.  As I discovered, diet can also be effective in killing Klebsiella.  The following article details how a low starch diet kills the Klebsiella microbe.  I also began taking Oregano oil to kill the Klebsiella.  My understanding is that you need to be careful which brand you purchase as the content in different brands varies widely.  Unfortunately the high quality brands are also quite expensive. Here is a study that confirms that Oregano oil helps to kill many types of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria including Klebsiella bacteria. 

While taking any supplements that kill the bad bacteria in your gut, I found it was also critical to replace the good bacteria with Probiotics.  For the first year I purchased probiotics from the health food store, but in the summer of 2012 I learned about the importance to eating fermented foods for gut health.  I discovered that fermented foods like Kim-chi and Sauerkraut have trillions of good bacteria compared to the supplements that you can buy at the health food store.  This makes sense:  our ancestors ate fresh vegetables during the summer months and then pickled the rest to carry them through the winter.  But in our modern diet, fermented foods are lacking.  So I eat a few spoonfuls of sauerkraut or Kimchi a day and have stopped buying and taking (often expensive) probiotics.  In over two years, I have had no issues with this approach. 

Histamine Intolerance
As the next step in the elimination diet, I began adding certain foods back in to identify which foods were causing issues.  The biggest thing that I craved was fruit so I first tried an apple.  I got IBS symptoms within 15 minutes of eating the apple. I tried other types of fruit over the next week and continued to get sick.  I went back to the web to search for an answer.  What I determined from that research is that I have a problem with foods that have high Histamine levels (Cheese, Beer, processed meats, vinegar, fruits, etc.).  The following online article Histamine link to Autoimmune disease was helpful in detailing the link between histamine intolerance and diet.  For me, the simple solution to the problem was to include the supplement Diamine Oxidase when consuming high histamine foods. 

Gluten Intolerance
The next food I tried to add back was wheat.  While I didn't have an immediate reaction, within about 2 weeks my stiffness and psoriasis started to come back.  Since then, I have found Gluten to be problematic for me.  While I tested negative to Celiac disease and for a having a wheat allergy, if I consume small amounts of gluten my Psoriasis comes back and I begin to have joint stiffness in my tendons.  "Small amounts" for me means milligrams of gluten. If gluten is the issue for you as well, you'll need to read the labels on your foods to find which products have gluten, and pay special attention to sauces.  Look for Malted Barley Syrup or Modified Food Starch on the label to avoid.  You will likely have to avoid things like Soy Sauce, gravy, and many other sauces that use flour to thicken the sauce. 

Gluten intolerance is increasingly common today, and the causes are well documented.   Carbohydrates turn to sugar in the gut, and that includes wheat products.  Too much sugar has an inflammatory effect on the body, which can lead to many diseases including diabetes and heart disease.  Diets high in sugar and carbohydrates feed Candida and Klebsiella, which can lead to overgrowth.  The cause is pretty clear: modern humans have only been eating a high carbohydrate diet since the Agricultural Revolution around 10,000 years ago.  Our modern diet is not natural. Prior to the Agricultural Revolution, people ate meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts and drank water. The Paleolithic diet, closely mirrors this.  The key is to limit processed foods and foods high in starch and grains, such as bread, wheat products, potatoes, white rice, etc. Another diet which is very similar is the London AS or low starch diet.  Note I did not follow this particular diet.  Here is a list of foods high in starch to avoid. 

During the elimination diet, I was overly optimistic that I could go back to enjoying alcohol.  Over the years I have noticed a direct correlation between my back muscle stiffness and drinking alcohol.   At this time, I came across several articles that talked about dehydration associated with muscle pain in AS patients (for more detail, read about the Dehydration link to Autoimmune diseases).  As you are probably aware alcohol is a dehydrant. I found that by staying away from alcohol and coffee, and drinking 2 quarts of water every day that the muscle stiffness went away.  More on this later in the blog....

Lets take a moment to look at the body as a whole system.  My body was inflamed by bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.  I believe this was caused by Gluten destroying my intestinal lining, and leading to Leaky Gut Syndrome.  Your body uses histamine to initiate the inflammatory process.  When I took in foods that were high in histamine I was exacerbating the response.  Your body uses Diamine Oxidase to digest the histamine but at some point your body reaches a tipping point where there is not enough Diamine Oxidase to digest all of the histamine which resulted in an IBS response.

Dehydration was another major factor for me.  When your body is dehydrated it pulls water away from the muscles into the vital organs.  This in turn causes muscle stiffness and pain.  Another side effect of the dehydration is that it causes Histamine levels to rise.  It is a vicious cycle that gets worse over time.  Here's an article that describes the Histamine and Water relationship. You should not under estimate the impact of dehydration and it's effects on the body.  Your body is made up of 80% water.  The average person is so used to drinking coffee, sodas, fruit juice, etc. that they frankly don't get enough water to support normal body function.  Since I increased my water intake I haven't needed to take the Diamine Oxidase tablets as often presumably because I have lowered the Histamine levels in my body by increasing my hydration level.

In the summer of 2011, I saw a new Medical Dr who was also a Naturopath.  He suggested I try the Blood Type diet. The basic concept of the blood type diet is that your body has evolved to eat certain foods based upon the blood type that you inherited from your ancient ancestors. If you eat foods that your body wasn't designed to eat it can cause an inflammatory response.  You can find out more by reading Eat right 4 your type.  

In November 2012, I read a book called The Primal Blueprint. The diet described in the book is very close to the Paleo diet but allows you to have dairy and dark chocolate. The diet stresses staying clear of all grains and legumes.  I have decided to start adding back some of the foods on the avoid list in the Blood Type diet, like certain meats and vegetables to see if it had any negative impacts. I didn't notice any negative impact from adding back foods like chicken, pork and avocado's which were on the avoid list for those with B blood type in the Blood Type Diet. 

So which diet solved the problem?  One thing to note is the commonalities between all the diets (Paleo, London, Blood Type and Primal Blueprint): they are all low in carbohydrate, no processed foods, and no gluten / wheat products.  Because it was key for me to get my gut flora healthy, the Paleo diet was critical in killing off the bad bacteria (Klebsiella).  But, for me it was also important to pick a diet that was least restrictive.  Converting to the Primal Blueprint has been a reasonable dietary approach that continues to keep me in remission.  Yes I have tried cheating, and I always paid for it with stiffness and fatigue for several days while my system flushed out the toxins.  The important factor is to listen to your body as you go through this process and avoid anything that causes symptoms.

Here's an example of what I eat daily
Bacon or sausage and eggs
Meat (turkey or beef), vegetables; a starch like yams or  rice in moderation
Avocado, nuts and berries
Meat (beef or fish), vegetables and a starch like a squash or rice in moderation
Dark chocolate

Vitamin deficiency and supplements
Vitamin D is one of the supplements we haven't discussed yet.  One finding shows that people with autoimmune disease are chronically low in Vitamin D.  The question is whether low vitamin D is the cause or the symptom?  I had taken huge doses of Vitamin D over the course of 3 years and during that time my symptoms reduced.  Today I take a nominal dosage Vitamin D due to the findings in the following Vitamin D Study. This also makes sense from the perspective that bacterial overgrowth appears to be a contributing factor in AS.  Interestingly my vitamin D levels remained at the recommended level while taking a nominal dosage and continuing to eat right. This is likely because my body is no longer in an autoimmune state. I also began taking Vitamin K2 supplement as it is key in the regulation of Vitamin D.

I had an epiphany while on vacation in August 2013 regarding the root cause of my AS symptoms. A few weeks before the vacation I had a bout of the stomach flu so I stopped taking the magnesium supplement.  This was a mistake but a blessing in disguise.  While on vacation we were hiking and my wife noticed that I was starting to stoop with my head forward. I also felt stiff.  Later that evening I had one vodka drink and then went to bed.  I woke up at 2 AM with my back killing me.  I took a magnesium supplement and by morning my pain was gone as was the stiffness.  It was at that moment that I realized the implications of what had just happened.  The bout of diarrhea coupled with excessive sweating on the hike and the vodka drink had depleted my magnesium levels and since I wasn't taking my magnesium supplement my body was in a distressed state.  Click here to learn more about magnesium depletion.  Magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle knots, spasms and stiffness. Your muscles are a Calcium Magnesium Pump, which means that when you flex, it's the Calcium that causes the muscle fibers to contract.  When you relax the muscle it's the Magnesium that causes the muscle fiber to release.  If you are lacking Magnesium in your body it can cause muscle knots to form. Since magnesium is the chemical that is used to relax your muscles, I realized that the reason for the characteristic AS stoop in my posture and muscle stiffness was due to the lack of magnesium.  Once my magnesium levels were restored the stoop became less and yes I can still lay flat on the ground :-)

In December 2013, I found a research paper relating to Klebsiella and Magnesium.  The study was done at the University of Geneva titled "Role of magnesium and a phagosomal P-type ATPase in intracellular bacterial killing".  They found that Kil2 Knockout cells transport magnesium into the phagosome and that magnesium is required for optimal protease activity and efficient intracellular killing of Klebsiella.  So based upon this not only does magnesium help your muscles relax but also helps kill the bacteria that is believed to cause AS.

In order to treat AS I had to treat the body as a whole and there wasn't one easy fix. In my case this comes down to a systemic problem: the inability for me to digest histamine properly coupled with a damaged gut lining caused by gluten resulted in IBS.  Gluten also became a toxin in my body resulting in arthritic joint pain and psoriasis whenever consumed.  The chronic diarrhea led to low magnesium levels, which led to muscle stiffness and stooped posture.  The right solution for me? Control the IBS and maintain gut health via dietary changes and supplement with magnesium to prevent stiffness.

Here is a summary of the key problems that were causing my health issues:

Yeast and mold allergy
Gluten intolerance
High histamine levels
Bacterial overgrowth
Magnesium deficiency
Enzyme deficiency

These problems led to a disease state diagnosed as Ankylosing Spondylitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Psoriasis.

The right fix for me was:

Eat a Paleo diet - Especially avoiding any products with Gluten in them
Take oregano oil daily to kill the bacteria (note: only a few weeks of consumption was needed);
Take Probiotics containing Lactobacillus daily
Avoid foods high in mold or yeast or take Histame whenever I consume them
Drink plenty of water and limit  beverages high in sugar or dehydrant (coffee, alcohol, sodas, etc.) 
Supplement with vitamins where I have a deficiency (Magnesium and Vitamin D)
Exercise and stretching several times a week
Stopped taking probiotics and started eating fermented foods (Summer 2012)
Started the Paleo Blueprint diet in November 2012
Stopped eating fermented foods due to histamine issues (2013)
Starting eating very spicy curries weekly in place to using oregano oil periodically (Summer 2015)

While AS clearly has a genetic component, there is more to it.  One in every 17 people has the genetic component that is associated with AS.  Of that percentage one in 85 have AS and of that roughly one in 775 people require treatment.  I found an interesting book which explains how chronic stress can result in Adrenal Fatigue resulting in chronic illness and autoimmune diseases such as AS.  Definitely a good read.
Today, I am symptom free and enjoy active sports such as wake boarding, dirt bike riding and snow boarding.  I have been able to get my life back with a few changes in my daily routine.  I hope you find my story helpful.  I would be very interested if anyone else has success with some of the things that helped me......Mike

Please note: I am not a Doctor nor am I medically trained.  This blog is not an endorsement for any products or medical practices.  Always consult a health care professional before starting any health program. While the information in this blog has helped me with A.S. it may not help you.   


  1. Can I just say how proud I am to have you in my family? Things like this give me an amazing amount of hope, especially with all the conditions I've been blessed with (lol). Love you, brother. Well done!

  2. Congrats Mike what a terrific story!

  3. Hey I live in india.I too seem to suffer from ankylosing spondylitis past 5 years.can U just list Ur Diet as it is impossible in indian diet not to have chapatis(wheat).it will be helpful if U email Me on My mail chetanwa@gmail.com

    1. hey me to from india .. and facing same issue. its imposible to avoid rice and wheat and potato from indian diet.... from where are you in india.. you can join

      it wil help you alot... you will find patient from all over world.. nd me as kushagra9120...... and mail me at kushagra9120@gmail.com

    2. Staying in THANE ( mumbai subarb) and sufring from AS from last 12 years and my pain is on its highest level i had ever face. but now its in a very much controlled level and im getting treatment with Dr. Akerkar u can contact me on my email id kripashankar.maurya@gmail.com

    3. hi , i had the same doctor,,but in-vain,,his practice is all based on heavy drugs..
      i had to leave his treatment cause it was all going downhill....with the pain aggravating plus the side effects of drugs and the mental trauma.
      i have not gone back to NSAIDS or any other drug for 5 years now.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Please try quinoa as substitute for rice and wheat. It is a gluten free and low starch grain.please research more about this grain as i have found some good results with quinoa. Hope this helps.

    6. Why not try a rajgira or chickpea flour paratha instead of chapati. Rrplace the potato with sweet potato (less starch). See recipe: https://youtu.be/xuEHP-9YUxs

    7. I’m rachel sandler,-based reporter covering breaking news at Forbes. Previously, I’ve reported for USA Today, Business Insider, The rechel sandler Business Times and San Jose Inside. I studied journalism at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications and was an editor at The Daily Orange, the university’s independent student newspaper. i suffered genital wart disease for a couple of years,i visited so many hospitals and clinics but the warts didn't stop coming,i was at a point of given up because i was no longer comfortable with the severe scratching i went through daily,i was told by one of my staff workers to check google and searched for a herbal doctor who can cure it.when i went on google,i saw so many testimonials of so many patients who got healed from various sickness through DR UDO herbal medicine,so i picked up his whatsapp number and added him up,i wrote to him and i explained evrything to him,he instructed me on what to do and i adhere to everything he said,on the 3rd day of contacting him,DR UDO actually prepared the medicine and shipped it to me via DHL company,i took the medicine for a period of 14days and i was healed and all the warts on my body was gone,the next day i went to see my doctor and i was confirmed healed and freed  from the genital warts disease.My own little way of showing aprreciation to DR UDO is to let everyone knows DR UDO has a cure to several sickness and diseases.here is DR UDO email address and whatsapp number.EMAIL...drudoazibahivhealingcentre@gmail.com.Whatsapp...+2348051075165

  4. THANK YOU! My husband has delt with this for the past 15 years now 43. Our son 20 just diagnosed as well. We will try all these things listed. Thank you so much for this post! Wish you the best and happy to hear you are doing well.

  5. Thank you for sharing this vital information. I'm glad you've overcome this awful disease, and I shall implement some of these methods to treat my own A.S. Thanks mike.....

  6. i was so happy to find this as my life as basically been ruined by AS, i lost my job, i cant do house work and i am in constant pain everyday. While i cant afford to see a naturopathic dr, i will definitely try you suggestions since over 20 different doctors and 2 pages of medications havent helped. Even the "natural spine dr" ive been seeing has wasted my money on 5 mins a week of accupressure for the last 5 months, involving only glucosamine and paraplex as diet supplements. So sick of all the doctors taking my money and offering no relief. Ive been an avid snowboarder for 17 years and am so hopeful i'll be able to get back on my board this season without pain meds! Thank you!

  7. Can I just say WOW! This is what everyone should do to take care of their body - get the knowledge, share the knowledge and practice the knowledge. Thank you so much for sharing what you have learned and helps with your recovery. I have been suffering from severe lower back stiffness (only in the morning) and hip joint pain and made my way to your website today investigating AS as a possible culprit. Will definitely put much of your info to very good use. THANKS!

  8. thanks a lot mike for all those valuble information about AS and its behaviour. now im finding my self very much motivated to fight with the AS.

  9. Hello,
    Thank you for your inspiring story, I was just diagnosed with AS today, but have had the full suite of problems for 2 years now. My research had lead me to many of the same conclusions you draw herein. Was just wondering, are you still taking TNF-a inhibitors along with your current regimen? (prescribed Humira myself)

  10. Mike, it is so awesome to see how someone not only took the time to research for himself how to treat this disease the best he can naturally but also to take the time to share it all with others! Thank you! I have been thoroughly convinced that it is all about our diets that have an effect on how our body responds with this AS. I have been taking a great deal of notice on what I eat as well as what I feed my family these days and have noticed a great deal of change in the way I have been feeling with my AS. I had started with the probiotics and now we are eating organic/natural fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains (no wheat) leafy greens, fish/chicken diet in our home. I am so glad I came across your site. I am going to take in all that you have shared and try to learn and apply it. Thanks again for sharing!

  11. Mike,

    Thanks for taking the time to update your status. I'm 25 and was just diagnosed with AS. The last thing I want to do is take drugs that suppress my immune system for the rest of my life, so your story gives me plenty of hope.

    Which type of oregano oil did you use? Also, you mention the apple giving you a reaction, thus requiring you take the Histamine if you wanted it again. Aside from having a reaction, how would you know when to take the Histamine? If you can give me any insight I would appreciate it.

  12. Thank you, Mike. I have been diagnosed with possible Lupus, but in my heart I feel its AS. I have a family history of colits, colon cancer, and PKD. I have IBS as well. I had a "stiff man" episode in 2008 where I could barely move and was in incredible pain for almost a week after eating raw, crystallized honey. I now realize it was an AS flare up and should have gone to the hospital! I endure so much pain daily in my hips, thighs, and lower back. I already see a rheumatologist who gets very frustrated with me because I have had so many reactions to the medications they have pushed at me that I refuse to take anything but ibuprofen. I have four children who are almost grown, and a full time job as a systems analyst. Sheer stubborn will and determination, as well as faith, have kept me going, but Im 41 and weary.
    Im taking your blog to my rheumatologist and asking for the test as well as looking for a good naturopath to help me through the detox. Thank you again. -Victoria

  13. Great story mike!! Join us on Team ENDURANCE for Ankylosing Spondylitis. If you are on FB. Please look me up.

    Helgi Spencer Olafson

  14. sir, how long can i take oregamo capsules?,can i take oregamo capsules along with omega 3capsules together after meals? can i eat noodles is it starchy?

  15. You write: "The key is to stay away from processed foods and grains, ie bread, wheat products, potatoes, white rice, etc."
    What exactly do you mean by "processed foods"? Does the inclusion of potatoes here mean without the skin?
    Lastly, is the word "processed" implied when you say "grains", or do you mean all grains, processed (germ and/or bran removed) or not?

  16. hi, great article , I have been struggling with AS for close to 20 years, I am 43 and I cant lay flat on the floor, cant touch my toes, its hard for me to wipe my but, lol and I am in a lot of pain, I am a carpenter and have not worked in a year and a half because I cant stand the pain anymore, I was on enbrel from 2004 to 2010 and it was like a miracle at first, I thought I found the answer finally, boy was I wrong, in 2010 found out I had kidney cancer, obviously from my weakened immune system not able to defend itself from the enbrel effects, I have done the low carb diet for many years and it does help but I quit after I started enbrel, I am back on the diet and it is helping but I still have muscle cramps stiffness and zero energy, and lots of depression, honestly I feel like I am at the end of my rope, I dont know how much longer I can hang on.

  17. thank you! i'm definitely going to try this. i've been on humira for years and enbrel before that. losing my health insurance next month so it was pretty vital i find some kind of low cost treatment so i found this at the perfect timing.

  18. Hi Mike,

    This is a very good comprehensive post on things that influence AS, I agree with your points, I have found them to be relevant myself.
    Is there any chance on an update on where you are in your journey now?
    Have you looked and parathyroid issues with your naturopath at all? I can across some articles that explained how it is involved in calcium metabolism.

    It be good to hear from you.

    Many thanks



  19. Hi Mike,Thanks for the article.Asians diet focus a lot on carbo like rice,bread and potatoes.It is very difficult to exclude these.I have been suffering from AS for the past 30 over years where my two hips has being replaced and its attacking my spine now.Fortunately I master the art of Qigong and it has reduced pain but the stiffness is still there.Hope to change my diet and continue doing Qigong to reduced the effect. Hope you to communicate with you via wenxela@gmail.com. Cheers

  20. Thank you for sharing you story Mike. I wonder if you realised in 2011 when you posted it that you would still be inspiring people in 2013. I hope you are still fit and well and beating the disease.

  21. Changed my diet also 2 1/2 months ago to chicken salads & fish. Cut starches out also I have lost 21lbs and the pain has subsided drastically. 90% pain free & taking no more pain meds. Thanks for your post.

  22. I just want to say that this story was so inspiring to read and I'm glad it was shared for everyone to see and educate themselves in this regards. It really has inspired me to take my health into my own hands because only I have full control over how to manage my symptoms and what goes into and out of my body. A doctor can prescribe medication all day long but if I'm not doing the right steps to benefit my body overall, I'm not going to get the best results.

    I have struggled for almost four years with doctors and trying to allow them to do what they think is best but it just seems like it's been a plateau of results and not much of a progression. I've had an array of mental struggles you could say going through divorce, separation, and being able to stand on my own two feet, alone. Not to mention the physical battle I struggled with. I didn't have a diagnosis and I was just having surgeries to hopefully fix an injury but still lived with constant pain until I found out it was not an injury at all but an autoimmune disease that was ravishing my body.

    I've came full circle through the last couple of years and I'm living in a much better place every single day and now that I've grown stronger in so many ways, I'd really like to take the opportunity to work on the physical part of my body needs instead of putting them aside as I have done for so long.

    Thank you for being an inspiration to push me in the right direction. Whether it works out for me or not, at least I will take satisfaction knowing that I've done my best and tried to conquer instead of being conquered by this terrible disease.

  23. Thank you for posting this blog!!! I recently was diagnosed with AS and will see the dr in Jan 2014 to begin treatment.
    I got curious though and began Googling treament for AS and Rx's for Enbrel, Xeljanz and Humira came up. Reading the side effecets for them were scary to say the least.
    So I wondered if there was a natural approach to this. After reading your blog I am encouraged - I am thinking about postponing my dr appt just to try this natural way.
    Again, thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas

  24. Hi mike,

    Thanks for sharing your story, I have AS and also made some of the same changes like you did, but every case is different and i have some up and downs, during my experiences, this is why i am always trying to find new updates on the disease.
    thanks once again for the life sharing history with so much details and wish you the best.

    best regards

  25. Dear Mr. Mike,
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful story through which I got motivation . It gives me a new hope to survive with AS. From last two days I started taking Paleo diet vegitables,chiken,Egg,fruits ,salad and Milk only. Now I am feeling less stiffness but pain is still there and taking pain killers. How many days it will take for pain relief. I can take stach free diet through out life because this pain is very saviour.Please send me diet plan for AS on my email id raivipinrai@yahoo.com.
    Best Regards
    Vipan Kumar

    1. use oregano oil capsules if not used so far....and have curd in breakfast or lunch. this has worked great for me in reducing stiffness.

    2. Hi Kapil Mehta,
      How can I get oregano oil from Bangladesh. Can u help me?

  26. hello Mike,
    thanks for sharing
    good directions for research, got much clarity after this.

    there seems to be a lot of indians here with AS,(we should start a support group)

  27. Superb research worked 100% on me. I feel this must be shared will all through spondylitis association of America for relief from AS. I suffered this since age of 17 and currently 43. I feel stomach and food digestion is key to manage AS. Logical herbal way with all exhibits. Mike thanks for writing this blog. This effort will not go waste and I feel you need to share this at SAA for many patients world wide. I got recently bad flair and I impkemented all what you recommended and within 2 days stiffness disappeared. Great.

  28. Mike, thank you very much for sharing your story/advice. This is by far the most comprehensive set of solutions I have came across regarding AS. I will definitely try some of your suggestions. Many thanks and all the best :)

  29. thanks for sharing your great story it is very helpful to me as well as others.

  30. Good Job !!!!! Thanks for sharing this post with us.

  31. any body else tried this? what about results for others?

  32. Thank you for sharing. I've found your suggestions helpful. I hope within the next few months I will be able to manage my AS without the need for medication.

  33. I will start with the paleo first to see what gonna happen. I will keep you in touch. :)

  34. Read this blog from laying on the floor in agony with hip and back pain, very interesting as I have been on every drug possible without any real benefit, hate being like a zombie on morphine 24/7... will be looking into my diet after reading this, thank you.

  35. Just a short update of my girlfriend helth. now she is free of pain. she used a lot off suggestions of this article. She use pomegranate extract, bifidobacterium, lactobacilus and lactoferrin plus colustrum, eating some naturaly fermented food and use starch diet. also tried oregano oil but no significant changes when was on that. btw we found coliform family bacterias in our well. i gues this was the reason why this terible disease started.

    1. sorry for my english. "pomegranate extract" i ment pomegranate peel decoction

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  37. This is all excellent information. I will be following many of your suggestions. I am confused about the fermented food. You said at one point that you included them in your diet but then later on you say that you had to stop them because of histamine issues. So should I skip the fermented foods? I want to do this right.

  38. I can not stop thanking Dr Leonard for helping me to cure STAPH which was my biggest problem for the past years, i took many prescribed medicine but could not work until i met Dr who saved my life you can be the next person to give testimony if you are having this problem because his product really worked for me. you can contact him through his e-mail drleonard288@gmail.com..

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  41. Autoimmune disease affects up to 50 million Americans, according to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association

    (AARDA). An autoimmune disease develops when your immune system, which defends your body against disease, decides your

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  42. I am 25 years old, male, and being diagnosed by 2 rheumatologists as Ankylosing Spondylitis. My pain begins 7 months ago, starting having neck pain, then back pain, lower back pain, hip pain, knees pain. Didn't really know what is happening to me so I was taking Tylenol. Then couple of times got so bad that I had to go to hospital emergency. Then the rheumatologist did some tests and diagnosed me as having Ankylosing Spondylitis 4 weeks ago. The doctor prescribed Humira, a TNF blocker, to me. He said I need to take this drug a.s.a.p. otherwise I may suffer permanent damage to my joins. I am scared. After reading what this drug can do, and all the possible side effects, I cannot decide to take this drug.
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    1. Try vinegar, curcumin and starch free diet asap. It helped me. Almost no pain. Read about it online.

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  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  61. Most of the people recommend medicines for the better treatment but you have provided natural way to get rid of ankylosing spondylitis. Really nice blog you have written.

    Thank you

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  62. I have a B component in my AB blood. I am very sensitive to chicken pork and avocado. They clump my blood cells like clumps of grapes. When I take MSM, an organic sulfur, it gives my blood more electrons that stick to the outside of my cells. The negative charged electrons repel each other and immediately push the blood cells away from each other. This unclumps the cells. At least this is my understanding of it.

  63. Hello Mike

    How did you come to the conclusion that you had a magnesium deficiency and how were you tested for the Klebsiella bacteria. You mention "testing from my Naturopath". Can you speak more about this process of finding your chemistry.

  64. very nice blog,you explain very well about treatment of spondylitis naturally,the way you explain about good and bad bacteria,gluten intolerance hydration etc.Thanks for the post!you can visit jhansi orthopedic hospital for the treatment of spondylitis in dabra.

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  66. Hi, I read with interest on how you overcome this dreadful disease. I have AS for the 30 years and has both of my hips replaced. My neck is also fusing and fortunately for me I do a lot of stretching exercises and my spine is not stooping. Just want to check with you do your method applicable for me. I would appreciate if you could communicate with me at eddiegoh3333@gmail.com. Thank you.

  67. Mike, you have no idea what a blessing it was for me to find this post. I have AS and am in remission, but just got stuck in a situation where my medicine is no longer available to me. Rather than starting over, I've decided to try my best to proceed with natural remedies and alternative medicine. I have so much to learn and this was a great place to start. It was well-written, personal, educational, and uplifting. Thank you so much for sharing your experience <3

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  71. I have suffered from AS since i was around 19 im now 57, the naisads they put me on killed my kidneys and after 4 years of dialysis then a transplant im currently on entenercept which helps but is no cure.Im currently having a flare up with my back and hands keeping me awake at night.Im inspired to try again by your blog and try more diets and suppliments thanks for your in depth research and Knowledge Regards Dave spondylitiscare.com
